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Visualization and Simulation

Application Visualization System (AVS)(TM)

Advanced Visual Systems Inc.

Application Visualization System (AVS) is the industry-standardvisualization application software and visualization developmentenvironment. It has more techniques for visualizing information than anyother system and will soon be available on most major computingplatforms. Because AVS is extensible and easily tailored, it isapplicable to a wide range of applications. AVS is comprised of manyseparate, yet tightly integrated sub-systems, each with its own importantcapabilities.AVS accepts data from a variety of scientific and engineering simulationand computation software packages that are available in the marketplaceor developed internally by users. AVS quickly displays images showingthe results represented by the output (data sets) from these simulationsand computations. Users can view the information as geometries, 2-Dimages, or 3-D volumes. In each of these modes, AVS provides manytechniques for tailoring display of results and for quickly derivingspecific information from the models.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4

Advanced Visual Systems Inc.
300 Fifth Ave Prospect Hill
Waltham, MA 02154
Phone: (617) 890-4300
Fax: (617) 890-8287